About me

I enjoy creative projects involving computer technology. As a teenager, I started out in the 1970's making my own RCA 1802 based COSMAC ELF computer. This simple computer had only 256 bytes of memory, a 2 digit display, and an LED I could control with software. I read a Popular Electronics article several times before the concepts of computer design sank in, but I soon got my computer up and running. By modern stardards, it didn't do much, but I learned a lot and it was a thrill to own my own computer.

I made several improvements to that computer including a graphics board that displayed 32,768 colors at once, which in 1982, was quite unique. I eventually got tried of making my own computers and having only my own software to run on them so I bought a Commodore Amiga.

The Amiga ignited my interest in computer graphics. When Byte by Byte's Sculpt 3D was released in the mid 80's, I created a 3D girl out of 4500 triangles. Back then it took me many hours to render a grainy 4096 color image, but it was a lot of fun! With improvements in the technology, I started exploring animation. Creating animation with a modeling program, however, is very labor intensive, so I decided to switch my efforts to real time animation. Real time animation is cool because it exercises both sides of my brain. It involves extensive programming as well as artistic endeavors. Another advantage to real time animation is that my animations will improve with new technology without extensive redesign.

I got a Physics degree at UCLA, but soon started creating software professionally. I've developed 2D and 3D radar data display programs and, later, helped make 3D flight training systems. It was really cool watching my programs run on a $250,000 SGI workstation! At the time, I was a bit envious, but I reminded myself that it would only take a few years for workstation technology to make its way to home computers.

Over the years, I've acquired experience in many computer languages including FORTRAN, Ada, BASIC, C/C++, Java, and C Sharp/ .NET. I prefer C/C++. It gives me the most efficient control over computer hardware. I've also written assembly language programs for the 1802 , 8088, and 68000. Assembly language is OK, but these days, with programs spending most of their time executing precompiled library routines, one might as well program in C/C++. I've been impressed with the modern 3D graphics libraries (no more having to make my own 3D routines) and have explored several including Open GL, QuickDraw 3D, Sony Playstation, XNA, Cg, and Optix. I'll keep you up to date on what I find.

3D graphics still requires a lot of patience, but modern technology is making it easier to create digital art. I'm looking forward to the day when I'll be creating complete, artificially intellegent characters and making my own 3D movies.

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This page last updated 27-Jan-2014